Over the years there have been many fad diets. For the sake of this article, a fad diet is any diet that uses a gimmick or focuses too much on one specific food or technique. By that definition, the cottage cheese diet would certainly seem to be a fad diet, but is it? Just so you know, there isn't really a diet plan that uses cottage cheese as the only food you can eat.
Let's face it, there would be no way anybody could stick to a diet like that. Imagine eating nothing but the same food for all of your meals and snacks. You would get so bored that you would soon go off such a diet and binge on all of the foods you were craving. Besides, it wouldn't be very healthy and could cause more problems than it fixes.
That being said, cottage cheese is a pretty good food to eat when you are on a diet; especially when compared to other cheeses. It contains a lot of protein, making it ideal for people who are on a low carbohydrate diet. However, it contains less fat and fewer calories than other cheeses. That doesn't mean it's fat free, but there are some varieties that are lower in fat than others, so be sure to check the label before you buy some.
Some studies have shown that dairy foods can help you feel more full than other foods. That's one of the reasons why the cottage cheese diet works for some people. However, you have to eat slowly so your stomach has enough time to signal your brain that you are full. If you shovel in spoonful after spoonful of cottage cheese without giving it much thought, then you will not lose weight. Eat it in reasonable amounts and slow down. It will help you feel more full and that means you will be likely to lower how many calories you take in during the rest of your meal.
Adding cottage cheese to your diet makes a lot of sense, and it can help. But at the same time, it's not a magic food that will make you shed those extra pounds. In fact, there isn't any magic food out there, so you need to take other steps if you are serious about wanting to lose weight.
Generally speaking, weight loss comes down to one thing: you have to burn more calories than you take in. That means you have to eat fewer calories, and burn more off. This means you will have to exercise. However, you don't have to workout at a gym for four hours a day, or jog ten miles. Instead, just work on adding more activity to your day and do things you enjoy.
Taking a sensible approach to weight loss is what will give you the best chance of getting rid of those extra pounds, keeping them off. The cottage cheese diet may be just the thing you are looking for. Just be sure to approach your diet plan (whatever it is) with the right attitude and you'll be down to your target weight in no time.
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